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Below are several items to choose from once item is submitted and we receive your order you will receive a order confirmation the Order will take up to 1 week or less to receive unless there are inventory issues and at that time you will be notified of the time frame. Any questions please email us at adrcustomprinting2@gmail.com or call 315-272-3167 Thank you for your order and appreciate your bussiness .
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Team 365 Dry Fit
Pennant Ace Warmup
Interceptor Hoodie
18500 Gildan Hoodie
Flex Fit
Player Team Hat
Tee Shirts
Super10 Hood
Trucker hat
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Player Team Hat
18500 Gildan Hoodie
Flex Fit
Trucker hat
Team 365 Dry Fit
Interceptor Hoodie
Tee Shirts
Pennant Ace Warmup
Super10 Hood